2023 Newsletters


January 2023
 January 9 th – RHRC meeting 7”30pm (meeting date change due to holidays)
 January 14 th – Make a Wish CASI Chili Cookoff
 February 6 th – RHRC meeting 7:30pm
 February 11 th – Bylaws meeting 9:00am
 March 6 th – RHRC meeting 7:30pm
 March 25 th – 1 st playday, Books open at 10am and close at 11am, start at 11:30am

 There will be a Bylaws meeting on February 11 th at 9:00am. This meeting is for members in
good standing only. The only agenda items to be discussed will be the possibility of
changing the Club Royalty rules and possibly allowing Zoom for monthly meetings. No
other items will be addressed.
 It is time for yearly dues. Single person dues are $50 and family dues are $100 for the
year. If not paid by the end of March, there will be a late fee added.
 2023 Officer elections were held at our annual Christmas Party.

Our 2023 officers are:
 President-Michael
 Vice President-Donny Raney
 Secretary-Angela Raney
 Treasurer-Beth White
 Parade Director—Paul Lundegreen
 Facility Director—Matt Marti
 Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
 Concession Director-Brent Daniels
 Extreme Horse Committee—Nikki Hsu, Brent Daniels

 Congratulations to our 2023 Royalty- Queen, Jacee Lundegreen and Princess, Baylor
 Playdays- Books will be open for 1 hour. They will close 30 minutes prior to the start of
the playday. There will be NO late entries. If the playday is cancelled due to weather, we
will NOT be rescheduling. If the temperature is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH

or above, we will automatically cancel that event. We will let everyone know the morning
of by 8:00am. Cancellations will be posted on Facebook. If you do not have Facebook,
you may then contact one of the officers to find out, but please give us until 8:00am the
morning of to announce.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events throughout the year
to be considered a member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access
to the club house and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note
that clean-up days and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not
attend the playdays.
 As a friendly reminder, when you use the arena, please make sure you remove any
equipment used (barrels, poles ect.) out of the arena when you are finished. Please
make sure to shut all gates to the arena as well. They have been left open. This can
damage the gates.
 If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Director: Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Nikki Hsu, Brent Daniels
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes, Michael Hsu

Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer. As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!


February 2023


Upcoming Events:

 February 6 th club meeting 7:30 pm
 February 11 th By-laws meeting 9:00am
 March 6 th club meeting 7:30pm
 March 18 th Shamrock parade 8:30 arrive and decorate,
 March 25 th RHRC playday books from 10:00-11:00am starts at 11:30am
 April 3 rd club meeting 7:30pm
 April 25 th RHRC playday books from 10:00-11:00am starts at 11:30am

 Annual Membership dues are due again and should be paid before March 31 st to avoid any
late fees. Please let us know if you need a form. The prices are single memberships will
be $50.00 and all family memberships will be $100.00 for the year. Please let us know if
you have any questions or concerns.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days
and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check
Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.
 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.
 Behind the Chutes church will be reserving the arena and setting up dates for 4 playdays
for the 2023 season. More information to come, as it becomes available to us.
 March 18 th Shamrock!! Start time will be 10:00am, we will meet in the same spot as last
year at 8:45 to decorate the horses. Will add meeting spot, map, and the line -up as it
gets closer to parade day. We will set up an event with invites on Facebook to allow us to
get a head count. Please let us know if you prefer not to ride horses or do not have a
parade safe horse and would still like to participate. We want to try to accommodate all
club members and their families. Please dress and decorate your horse to celebrate St.
Patrick’s Day. This year’s theme will be “Green and Free” The Queen & Princess are
expected to ride in the parades (unless there is a prior commitment) and they will dress
appropriately with the White button-down shirts, black hats, Crown & sash jeans and
boots. Carpooling (trailer-pooling) may be an option so please let us know if you or your
horse needs a ride. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Paul the
parade director or myself. Thank you!

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu

KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!
If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!


March 2023


Upcoming Events:
 March 6 th club meeting 7:30pm,
 March 25 th RHRC playday books from 10:00-11:00am starts at 11:30am
 April 3 rd club meeting 7:30pm
 April 15 th Behind the Chutes playday TBD on times
 April 25 th RHRC playday books from 10:00-11:00am starts at 11:30am

 Annual Membership dues are due again and should be paid before March 31 st to avoid any
late fees. Please let us know if you need a form. The prices are single memberships will
be $50.00 and all family memberships will be $100.00 for the year. Please let us know if
you have any questions or concerns.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days
and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check
Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.

 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.
 We will be having a BBQ benefit for Kim Blankenship’s recovery during the June 17 th
Behind the Chutes cowboy church playday starting at 4:00pm for serving. Tickets archwill
be sold in advance to determine how many BBQ plates will be made. Please make sure to
help sell tickets in advance so we can get an approximate count on how many BBQ plates
we will need. Thank you! We will need volunteers to help serve, please let us know if you
are willing to help us the day of the Benefit BBQ. Rolling Hills will also be doing an extra
playday to benefit Kim sometime this summer, date and time TBD.
 Behind the Chutes church will be reserving the arena and setting up dates for 4 playdays
for the 2023 season. Church playdays dates will be April 15 th May 6 th June 17 th July 22 nd
and Aug 12 being the make-up play day date. Times to be determined. We will get with
the other club’s to determine what works best for them and then decide on date and
 We will have our annual raffle tickets ready to be sold starting at are April meeting. We
will have 3 prizes again this year with 1 st prize being a gun which is still to be determined
2 nd prize being a $150.00 gift card to Omaha steaks and 3 rd prize being a $100.00 cash
prize. There will be a total of 500 tickets sold in total at $10.00 each ticket. Please make
sure you are willing to help sell the tickets starting at the April meeting. There will be 10
tickets to a book totaling a $100.00 per book.
 Shamrock Parade is cancelled due to only 4 people liking the Facebook post, so we were
not entered into the parade due to lack of interest.

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti

– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu
KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!
If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.


April 2023


Upcoming Events:
 April 3 rd club meeting 7:30pm
 April 15 th Behind the Chutes playday books 10-11:00am starts at 11:30am
 April 25 th RHRC playday books from 10:00-11:00am starts at 11:30am
 May 1 st club meeting 7:30pm
 May 6 th Behind the Chutes playday books 10-11:00am starts at 11:30am
 No club playday for the month of May due to Holiday

 Annual Membership dues are due again and should be paid before March 31 st to avoid any
late fees. Please let us know if you need a form. The prices are single memberships will
be $50.00 and all family memberships will be $100.00 for the year. Please let us know if
you have any questions or concerns.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days
and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check

Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.
 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.
 We will be having a BBQ benefit for Kim Blankenship’s recovery during the June 17 th
Behind the Chutes cowboy church playday starting at 4:00pm for serving. Tickets will be
sold in advance to determine how many BBQ plates will be made each ticket will be
$15.00. Brent has ordered tickets and will have them soon to hand out for club members
to sell. Please make sure to help sell tickets in advance so we can get an approximate
count on how many BBQ plates that will be needed. Thank you! We will need volunteers to
help serve, please let us know if you are willing to help us the day of the Benefit BBQ. If
you are able to help get sponsors for this benefit that would help. We will have silent
auction items during BBQ and will need donations for these items. Thank you! Rolling Hills
will also be doing an extra playday to benefit Kim sometime this summer, date and time
TBD. We will get with the other clubs to determine what works best for them and then
decide on date and time.
 Behind the Chutes church will be reserving the arena and setting up dates for 4 playdays
for the 2023 season. Church playdays dates will be April 15 th May 6 th June 17 th July 22 nd
and Aug 12 being the make-up play day date.
 We will have our annual raffle tickets ready to be sold starting at are April playday. We
will have 3 prizes again this year with 1 st prize being a diamond back AR 15, 2 nd prize being
a $300.00 gift card to Omaha steaks and 3 rd prize being a $100.00 cash prize. There will
be a total of 500 tickets sold in total at $10.00 each ticket. Please make sure you are
willing to help sell the tickets. There will be 10 tickets to a book totaling a $100.00 per
 Please note there was a motion made to have the March playday removed. Starting in the
2024 year we will start our playdays for the year in April.
 There will be dragging done half way through the playday to help eliminate large holes
from forming.

 We will no longer have 5 events at the playdays starting for the April playday, we will only
have 4 events and a schedule will be made for the 6 playdays soon and put on Facebook
and the RHRC’s website for all to see.
 In the event that weather is bad in the morning time we will push back the time in hopes
the playday will be able to happen and hopefully the weather will cooperate for us while
we have the playday. If any questions, please contact one of the officers to discuss.
Thank you.
 A motion was made and passed that during a playday a NO Time will be given if any
contestant breaks patterns during any event, this will be applied to all age groups
including leadline, and 9 and under. This new rule starts for this upcoming April Playday.
If any questions, please contact an officer.
 Matt Marti has been appointed Arena Director and he will appoint a committee that will
help out each playday and will also help Matt to come up with the Schedule for the year.
Please let Matt know if you are interested in joining the committee.
 The break that is taken during the playdays is currently 30 minutes and is done after the
third event, we will now do the drag during this break, and will only be taking 20 minutes
and will be done after barrels and flags are finished. If any one is working the playday
and wants to eat, you can text or give Brent your food order to have it ready to be eaten
during the break.
 There is a new shirt that has been made to sell to help raise money for Kim’s recovery. A
Picture of the front and back will be put on Facebook for all to see. Adults are $30.00
and kids are $20.00, if you have any questions or would like to purchase one, please
contact Anita Boyce. Thank you.
 Please Welcome our newest member Aubrey Outstrander and family to our club. We are
all very glad to have you.

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki

-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu

KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!
If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.


May 2023


Upcoming Events:
 May 1 st club meeting 7:30pm
 May 6 th Behind the Chutes playday books 10-11:00am starts at 11:30am
 No club playday for the month of May due to Holiday
 June 5 th club meeting 7:30pm
 June 17 th Behind the Chutes playday books 5-6:00pm starts at 6:30pm
 June 17 th BBQ benefit at clubhouse doors open at 4:00pm ends at 8:00pm
 June 24 th RHRC playday books 5-6:00pm starts at 6:30pm

 Annual Membership dues are due again and should be paid before March 31 st to avoid any
late fees. Please let us know if you need a form. The prices are single memberships will
be $50.00 and all family memberships will be $100.00 for the year. Please let us know if
you have any questions or concerns.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days
and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check
Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.

 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.
 We will be having a BBQ benefit for Kim Blankenship’s recovery during the June 17 th
Behind the Chutes cowboy church playday starting at 4:00pm for serving. Tickets will be
sold in advance to determine how many BBQ plates will be made. Each ticket will be
$15.00. Please make sure to help sell tickets in advance so we can get an approximate
count on how many BBQ plates that will be needed. Thank you! We will need volunteers to
help serve, please let us know if you are willing to help us the day of the Benefit BBQ. If
you are able to help get sponsors for this benefit that would help. We will have silent
auction items during BBQ and will need donations for these items. Thank you! Rolling Hills
will also be doing an extra playday to benefit Kim sometime this summer, date and time
TBD. We will get with the other clubs to determine what works best for them and then
decide on date and time.
 Behind the Chutes church will be reserving the arena and setting up dates for 4 playdays
for the 2023 season. Church playdays dates will be April 15 th May 6 th June 17 th July 22 nd
and Aug 12 being the make-up play day date.
 We will have our annual raffle tickets ready to be sold starting at are April playday. We
will have 3 prizes again this year with 1 st prize being a diamond back AR 15, 2 nd prize being
a $300.00 gift card to Omaha steaks and 3 rd prize being a $100.00 cash prize. There will
be a total of 500 tickets sold in total at $10.00 each ticket. Please make sure you are
willing to help sell the tickets. There will be 10 tickets to a book totaling $100.00 per
 Raffle tickets have been given out at the May meeting if you are needing tickets to buy
or would like some ticket books to sell please let Angela know. Thank you.

 There will be dragging done halfway through the play to help eliminate large holes from
 The 3-call rule will be strongly enforced starting at the next playday. There will be a
timer placed in the crow’s nest and set to 1 minute for each contestant called giving that
person 1 minute total to be in the arena ready to go with name being called every 20

seconds. There will be certain exceptions put into play and will be at the discretion of the
judges and people in the crow’s nest for those who cannot make it within that 1 minute.
This will help ensure everything runs smoothly!
 Please make sure you do not allow any horses on the west side by the restrooms. We are
trying to get that enforced now for when we are able to get the crows nest and
concession stand moved over to that area. This will ensure a safer area once everything is
complete for the little ones to be and not have to worry about the dangers of horses.
 The extreme horse committee is looking into setting the extreme horse event for the
year sometime in the Fall to avoid the summer heat and allow the WT students to return
for the year allowing us to find some judges for this event. Please get with Nikki or Brent
if you have any questions. Thank you.
 In the event that weather is bad in the morning time we will push back the time in hopes
the playday will be able to happen and hopefully the weather will cooperate for us while
we have the playday. If any questions, please contact one of the officers to discuss.
Thank you.
 A motion was made and passed that during a playday a NO Time will be given if any
contestant breaks patterns during any event, this will be applied to all age groups
including leadline, and 9 and under. This new rule starts for this upcoming April Playday.
If any questions, please contact an officer.

 There is a new shirt that has been made to sell to help raise money for Kim’s recovery. A
Picture of the front and back will be put on Facebook for all to see. Adults are $30.00
and kids are $20.00, if you have any questions or would like to purchase one, please
contact Anita Boyce. Thank you.

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver

– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu

KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!
If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.


June 2023


Upcoming Events:
 June 5 th club meeting 7:30pm
 June 17 th Behind the Chutes playday books 5-6:00pm starts at 6:30pm
 June 17 th BBQ benefit at clubhouse doors open at 4:00pm ends at 8:00pm
 June 24 th RHRC playday books 5-6:00pm starts at 6:30pm
 July 10 th club meeting 7:30pm
 July 4 th Canyon parade arrival time of 8:00am to decorate.
 July 8 th RHRC club clean up day starts at 9:00am end time?
 July 22 nd behind the chutes church playday books at 5-6:00 starts at 6:30am
 July 30 th RHRC playday books 5-6:00pm starts at 6:30pm

 Annual Membership dues are due again and should be paid before March 31 st to avoid any
late fees. Please let us know if you need a form. The prices are single memberships will
be $50.00 and all family memberships will be $100.00 for the year. Please let us know if
you have any questions or concerns.
 Please note that prize funds are due by the end of the June playday to be eligible for
prizes at the end of the year Christmas party.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days
and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check
Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.
 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.
 We will be having a BBQ benefit for Kim Blankenship’s recovery during the June 17 th
Behind the Chutes cowboy church playday starting at 4:00pm for serving. Tickets will be
sold in advance to determine how many BBQ plates will be made. Each ticket will be
$15.00. Please make sure to help sell tickets in advance so we can get an approximate
count on how many BBQ plates that will be needed. Thank you! We will need volunteers to
help serve, please let us know if you are willing to help us the day of the Benefit BBQ. If
you are able to help get sponsors for this benefit that would help. We will have silent
auction items during BBQ and will need donations for these items. Thank you! Rolling Hills
will also be doing an extra playday to benefit Kim sometime this summer, date and time
TBD. We will get with the other clubs to determine what works best for them and then
decide on date and time.
 Behind the Chutes church will be reserving the arena and setting up dates for 4 playdays
for the 2023 season. Church playdays dates will be April 15 th May 6 th June 17 th July 22 nd
and Aug 12 being the make-up play day date.
 We will have our annual raffle tickets ready to be sold starting at are April playday. We
will have 3 prizes again this year with 1 st prize being a diamond back AR 15, 2 nd prize being
a $300.00 gift card to Omaha steaks and 3 rd prize being a $100.00 cash prize. There will
be a total of 500 tickets sold in total at $10.00 each ticket. Please make sure you are
willing to help sell the tickets. There will be 10 tickets to a book totaling $100.00 per
 Raffle tickets have been given out at the May meeting if you are needing tickets to buy
or would like some ticket books to sell please let Angela know. Thank you.

 There will be dragging done halfway through the play to help eliminate large holes from
 The 3-call rule will be strongly enforced starting at the next playday. There will be a
timer placed in the crow’s nest and set to 1 minute for each contestant called giving that
person 1 minute total to be in the arena ready to go with name being called every 20
seconds. There will be certain exceptions put into play and will be at the discretion of the
judges and people in the crow’s nest for those who cannot make it within that 1 minute.
This will help ensure everything runs smoothly!
 Please make sure you do not allow any horses on the west side by the restrooms. We are
trying to get that enforced now for when we are able to get the crows nest and
concession stand moved over to that area. This will ensure a safer area once everything is
complete for the little ones to be and not have to worry about the dangers of horses.

 In the event that weather is bad in the morning time we will push back the time in hopes
the playday will be able to happen and hopefully the weather will cooperate for us while
we have the playday. If any questions, please contact one of the officers to discuss.
Thank you.
 A motion was made and passed that during a playday a NO Time will be given if any
contestant breaks patterns during any event, this will be applied to all age groups
including leadline, and 9 and under. This new rule starts for this upcoming April Playday.
If any questions, please contact an officer.

 There is a new shirt that has been made to sell to help raise money for Kim’s recovery. A
Picture of the front and back will be put on Facebook for all to see. Adults are $30.00
and kids are $20.00, if you have any questions or would like to purchase one, please
contact Anita Boyce. Thank you.
 July 4 th parade in Canyon will be on Tuesday July 4 th meet up time will be at 8:00am.
Royalty must wear their attire and officers may wear their white long sleeve button down
shirts if they choose to or any club shirts that we have had made in the past. We cannot
throw candy during the parade from the trailer; however, we can have some people that
walk and hand out candy. The parade does start at 10:00am. We will need help with
decorating the trailer. Theme for this years parade will be “Rocking in the USA” We will
meet in the parking lot of the WT United event center and that is where we will decorate
the horses and trailer for the parade. If any questions please feel free to to contact

 Clean up day set for July 8 th starting at 9:00am there is a list of what needs to be done
and will be on Facebook, so everyone is aware of what needs to be completed. We will
need to mow, and weed eat as well as doing repairs to the arena and the building. So, if
you have a lawn mower or weed eater, we would love it if you could bring them to help
assist with mowing and weed eating, with all of this much needed rain we have had lots of
growth with the weeds and grass and we need to get in handled before it gets out of

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu

KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!
If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.


July 2023


Upcoming Events:
 July 10 th club meeting 7:30pm
 July 4 th Canyon parade arrival time of 8:00am to decorate.
 July 8 th RHRC club clean up day starts at 9:00am end time?
 July 22 nd behind the chutes church playday books at 5-6:00 starts at 6:30am
 July 30 th RHRC playday books 6–7:00pm starts at 7:30pm

 August 7 th club meeting 7:30pm
 August 12 th make up day behind the chutes church playday books at 5-6:00 starts at
 August 26 th RHRC playday books 6–7:00pm starts at 7:30pm
 September 11 th club meeting 7:30pm
 September 16 th Tri-State Parade times to TBA
 September 30 th RHRC playday times to TBA


 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days
and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check
Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.
 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.

 Behind the Chutes church will be reserving the arena and setting up dates for 4 playdays
for the 2023 season. Church playdays dates will be April 15 th May 6 th June 17 th July 22 nd
and Aug 12 being the make-up play day date.
 We will have our annual raffle tickets ready to be sold starting at are April playday. We
will have 3 prizes again this year with 1 st prize being a diamond back AR 15, 2 nd prize being
a $300.00 gift card to Omaha steaks and 3 rd prize being a $100.00 cash prize. There will
be a total of 500 tickets sold in total at $10.00 each ticket. Please make sure you are
willing to help sell the tickets. There will be 10 tickets to a book totaling $100.00 per
book. PLEASE NOTE: Raffle tickets are due by the last Saturday of this month so that
we can raffle off prizes at the end of our July playday.

 The 3-call rule will be strongly enforced starting at the next playday. There will be a
timer placed in the crow’s nest and set to 1 minute for each contestant called giving that
person 1 minute total to be in the arena ready to go with name being called every 20
seconds. There will be certain exceptions put into play and will be at the discretion of the
judges and people in the crow’s nest for those who cannot make it within that 1 minute.
This will help ensure everything runs smoothly!
 Please make sure you do not allow any horses on the west side by the restrooms. We are
trying to get that enforced now for when we are able to get the crows nest and
concession stand moved over to that area. This will ensure a safer area once everything is
complete for the little ones to be and not have to worry about the dangers of horses.

 In the event that weather is bad in the morning time we will push back the time in hopes
the playday will be able to happen and hopefully the weather will cooperate for us while

we have the playday. If any questions, please contact one of the officers to discuss.
Thank you.
 A motion was made and passed that during a playday a NO Time will be given if any
contestant breaks patterns during any event, this will be applied to all age groups
including leadline, and 9 and under. This new rule starts for this upcoming April Playday.
If any questions, please contact an officer.
 Benefit for Kim Blankenship donations and money raised was $4,035.00 total. Thank you
to everyone who helped to make this happen.
 Micheal Rolen will have a lift here this coming Tuesday to fix lights in the arena. Micheal,
Donny and Matt will all fix the arena lights and make sure all are working for upcoming
 RHRC has changed the summer play day times from starting at 6:30 to 7:30 with books
being from 6:00 to 7:00, this will help with the summer heat.

 Clean up day went well and there was a lot that was completed. Thank you to all of the
families that showed up and helped.

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu

KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.

Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!
If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.


August 2023


Upcoming Events:
 August 7 th club meeting 7:30pm
 August 26 th RHRC playday books 6–7:00pm starts at 7:30pm
 September 11 th club meeting 7:30pm
 September 16 th Tri-State Parade meet at 8:00am will line up at 9:00am starts at 10:00am
 September 30 th RHRC playday times to TBA
 October 2 nd meeting 7:30pm
 October 7 th Allstar playday
 October 8 th 1 st make up day for Allstar playday.
 October 28 th final Allstars make up day.
 October 28 th RHRC playday will discuss possibly doing a makeup if Allstars needs this day
for make up
 November 6 th meeting 7:30pm
 November 11 th Veteran’s Day parade times TBA
 December 4 th meeting 7:30pm
 December 16 th Christmas party doors open at 6:00 food served at 6:30pm


 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days

and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check
Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.
 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.
 This year’s Allstars playday will be held in Borger at the Hutchinson County Sheriffs
posse. The Panhandle Allstar playday will be October 7 th books will be at 8:00am -10:00am
and Grand Entry will be at 10:30am with starting at 11:00am. Entry fees will be $20.00
for each contestant. The Allstar rainout day being October 8 th and October 28 th . Those
who are invited will be invited from either the President or the Vice President. There
Will be 4 events at the Allstar playday barrels, flags, poles, and the last event will be
steer dobbing, we will do straight barrels for any tie breakers. Please note if you are
invited you must do all 4 events. There are 5 age groups 9 and under, 10-14, 15-18, 19-40
and 41 and up. There will be 20 people invited with some back up riders due to those who
cannot attend due to schedule conflicts. The members selected for the Panhandle
Allstars playday will have 10 tickets each to sell for the raffle and tickets are $10.00
each. During the flag event you will be given the flag upon entry of gate and will run your
horse down to the barrel stick the flag and return home. The prize for the raffle will be
an AR 15, the winner will get to pick what they will have engraved. Keep an eye out on
Facebook for steer dobbing practice.
 Dragging at the all-star playday will be done by Judgement call. There will be a payout
this year from 1 st through 4 th . 1 st place will receive 50% payback, 2 nd place will receive 30%
payback, 3 rd place will receive 20% payback and 4 th place will receive their entry money
back. New rule that will be enforced will be If any club member acts up or has a bad
attitude or purposefully knocks all barrels or poles down that club member along with
their entire club will all be disqualified from all events. Please be on best behavior and
let’s represent our club proudly.

 Our club goes by the all-star playday rules at each of our playdays. Please note that you
will be disqualified if you whip your horse with the flag. You may use your spurs or whips
or reins but cannot use the flag to get your horse to go. You cannot stop or break
forward momentum or break pattern otherwise this will result in a No time.
 September 16 th Tri-State fair parade theme this year is “100 years.” We want to look as
uniform as we can to represent our club. Royalty must wear their attire and officers may
wear their long white sleeve button down shirts if they choose to others can wear their
all-star playday white shirts or any of their club t-shirts. We cannot throw candy at the
parade; however, we can have some people walk and hand out candy. We will be looking
into doing a float. The parade does start at 10:00am we will need to meet to decorate at
8:00am and we will need to be lined up at 9:00am for a 10:00am start time. We are
talking about dressing up and decorating over the course of the last 100 years according
to that time from each year. Please let us know your thoughts on this. Not sure if We
will need some pooper scoopers to walk behind the horses.
 RHRC is looking into doing another Hayride this year for Halloween. This will be tabled
until the next meeting so that a route dates and times can be determined.
 It’s getting close to that time of year again, and we will need to start thinking about
getting items donated for the year end buckets and Christmas party.

 The 3-call rule will be strongly enforced starting at the next playday. There will be a
timer placed in the crow’s nest and set to 1 minute for each contestant called giving that
person 1 minute total to be in the arena ready to go with name being called every 20
seconds. There will be certain exceptions put into play and will be at the discretion of the
judges and people in the crow’s nest for those who cannot make it within that 1 minute.
This will help ensure everything runs smoothly!
 Please make sure you do not allow any horses on the west side by the restrooms. We are
trying to get that enforced now for when we are able to get the crows nest and
concession stand moved over to that area. This will ensure a safer area once everything is
complete for the little ones to be and not have to worry about the dangers of horses.
There is also no parking allowed on the West side where the bleachers are at. If you have
any questions, please contact one of the officers.

 In the event that weather is bad in the morning time we will push back the time in hopes
the playday will be able to happen and hopefully the weather will cooperate for us while
we have the playday. If any questions, please contact one of the officers to discuss.
Thank you.

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu

KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!
If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.


September 2023


Upcoming Events:
 September 11 th club meeting 7:30pm
 September 16 th Tri-State Parade meet at 8:00am will line up at 9:00am starts at 10:00am
 September 30 th RHRC playday books 5:00pm to 6:00pm starts at 6:30pm
 October 2 nd meeting 7:30pm
 October 7 th Allstar playday
 October 8 th 1 st make up day for Allstar playday.
 October 28 th final Allstars make up day.
 October 28 th RHRC playday will discuss possibly doing a makeup if Allstars needs this day
for make -up
 November 6 th meeting 7:30pm
 November 11 th Veteran’s Day parade times TBA
 December 4 th meeting 7:30pm
 December 16 th Christmas party doors open at 6:00 food served at 6:30pm


 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events, to be considered a
member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access to the club house
and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note that clean-up days
and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not attend the playdays.
Thank you :0)

 Playdays – if the playday is cancelled we will NOT be rescheduling. From now on if the
weather is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH or above, we will automatically cancel
the playday. We will let everyone know the morning of by 8:00am. So please check
Facebook. If you do not have Facebook, you may then contact one of the officers to find
out, but please give us until 8:00am the morning of to announce.
 A list of the board members with phone numbers will be below for you to keep for your

 As a friendly reminder please make sure you remove anything (barrels, poles ect.) out of
the arena after you are finished practicing so that the ones who go out to plow up the
arena do not have to do it. Thank you.
 This year’s Allstars playday will be held in Borger at the Hutchinson County Sheriffs
posse. The Panhandle Allstar playday will be October 7 th books will be at 8:00am -10:00am
and Grand Entry will be at 10:30am with starting at 11:00am. Entry fees will be $20.00
for each contestant. The Allstar rainout day being October 8 th and October 28 th . Those
who are invited will be invited from either the President or the Vice President. There
Will be 4 events at the Allstar playday barrels, flags, poles, and the last event will be
steer dobbing, we will do straight barrels for any tie breakers. Please note if you are
invited you must do all 4 events. There are 5 age groups 9 and under, 10-14, 15-18, 19-40
and 41 and up. There will be 20 people invited with some back up riders due to those who
cannot attend due to schedule conflicts. The members selected for the Panhandle
Allstars playday will have 10 tickets each to sell for the raffle and tickets are $10.00
each. During the flag event you will be given the flag upon entry of gate and will run your
horse down to the barrel stick the flag and return home. The prize for the raffle will be
an AR 15, the winner will get to pick what they will have engraved. Keep an eye out on
Facebook for steer dobbing practice.
 Dragging at the all-star playday will be done by Judgement call. There will be a payout
this year from 1 st through 4 th . 1 st place will receive 50% payback, 2 nd place will receive 30%
payback, 3 rd place will receive 20% payback and 4 th place will receive their entry money
back. New rule that will be enforced will be If any club member acts up or has a bad
attitude or purposefully knocks all barrels or poles down that club member along with
their entire club will all be disqualified from all events. Please be on best behavior and
let’s represent our club proudly.
 Our club goes by the all-star playday rules at each of our playdays. Please note that you
will be disqualified if you whip your horse with the flag. You may use your spurs or whips
or reins but cannot use the flag to get your horse to go. You cannot stop or break
forward momentum or break pattern otherwise this will result in a No time.

 RHRC will be looking into doing a steer dobbing practice for our all-star riders only date
will be September 24 th time will be around 2:00pm -3:00pm. Looking to see if we can try
to get each of the RHRC members invited to the all-stars 2 to 3 practice runs to make
sure we are ready. We will be posting updates to the RHRC members only page on
facebook so please try to stay updated by checking Facebook. If any questions please
contact Matt, or Micheal. Thank you!
 We will be meeting at the large Toot N Totem on the loop at 7:00am the morning of
October 7 th so that all of us can ride together and do our best to all park close to each
 September 16 th Tri-State fair parade theme this year is “100 years.” We want to look as
uniform as we can to represent our club. Royalty must wear their attire and officers may
wear their long white sleeve button down shirts if they choose to others can wear their
all-star playday white shirts or any of their club t-shirts. We cannot throw candy at the
parade; however, we can have some people walk and hand out candy. We are going to join
Behind the Chutes Cowboy Church in the parade due to not enough riders at this time.
The parade does start at 10:00am we will need to meet to decorate at 8:00am and we will
need to be lined up at 9:00am for a 10:00am start time. Please watch facebook for
updates on meeting places.
 October marks the month that nominations will begin, please nominate anyone you think
will want to do the job. The following spots will be open up: Vice President, Secretary, and
all of the directors positions. Nominations will be taken at the next meeting.

 RHRC will be doing another Hayride this year for Halloween. Niki will be asking the
rolling hills community if they will be willing to hand out candy, as well as coming up with a
route for the hayride. RHRC gates will be opened at 6:00pm and will be departing at 6:30.
 It’s getting close to that time of year again, and we will need to start thinking about
getting items donated for the year end buckets and Christmas party.

 The 3-call rule will be strongly enforced starting at the next playday. There will be a
timer placed in the crow’s nest and set to 1 minute for each contestant called giving that
person 1 minute total to be in the arena ready to go with name being called every 20
seconds. There will be certain exceptions put into play and will be at the discretion of the
judges and people in the crow’s nest for those who cannot make it within that 1 minute.
This will help ensure everything runs smoothly!
 Please make sure you do not allow any horses on the west side by the restrooms. We are
trying to get that enforced now for when we are able to get the crows nest and

concession stand moved over to that area. This will ensure a safer area once everything is
complete for the little ones to be and not have to worry about the dangers of horses.
There is also no parking allowed on the West side where the bleachers are at. If you have
any questions, please contact one of the officers.

 In the event that weather is bad in the morning time we will push back the time in hopes
the playday will be able to happen and hopefully the weather will cooperate for us while
we have the playday. If any questions, please contact one of the officers to discuss.
Thank you.

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Coordinator—Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Brent & Niki
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes
-Executive officer—Michael Hsu

KEEP IN MIND: Playdays will now be on the last Saturday of the month. Each playday time will
be discussed at the meeting.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer or Michael Rolen at 806-231-0102 or Donny Raney at 806-584-5845.

As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!

If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers
Michael Rolen President 806-231-0102, Donny Raney Vice President 806-584-5845, Angela
Raney Secretary 806-584-5762, Beth White Treasurer 806-789-9318. We are always
available to help.


October 2023
 October 2 nd – Monthly meeting
 October 7 th – All Star Playday in Borger, Books open at 8am
 October 8 th – 1 st rain out date for All Star Playday
 October 21 st – RHRC Extreme Horse Challenge- Books open at 9am
 October 27 th – Halloween Hayride, will leave RHRC at 6:30pm
 October 28 th – RHRC October Playday, Books open at 10
 October 28 th -RHRC costume contest in conjunction with playday
 October 29 th – Royalty Contest at RHRC start at 2pm
 November 6 th – Monthly meeting at 7:30pm
 November 11 th – Veteran’s Day Parade, more info to come
 December 4 th -Monthly meeting at 7:30pm
 December 16 th – Christmas party and awards
 Veteran’s Day parade is coming up in November. We will be decorating a float. We will
post more information on facebook as it becomes available.
 All Star Playday this weekend October 7 th . Please everyone, we must conduct ourselves in
a proper manner. If you have any problems, get with Michael! We will meet at the Toot
and Totum on the Loop and River Road at 7am for anyone that wants to travel together.
 Queen/Princess contest will be the 29 th at 2pm. If you need the information to try out,
contact Michelle Wilcox, Nikki Hsu or Beth White
 We will once again have the Halloween Costume Contest in conjunction with our October
Playday. Age divisions are 13 & Under and 14 & up. Top three winners in each age division
will win 1 st -$100, 2 nd -$50, 3 rd -$25. We will be
 It is time for nominations for 2024 officers and board. Position open are Vice President,
Secretary, Concessions director, Facilities director, Events coordinator and Parad
director. If you have anyone you want to nominate for any of these positions, get that to
 It is time to start collecting donations for the awards and Christmas party.
 Playdays- Books will be open for 1 hour. They will close 30 minutes prior to the start of
the playday. There will be NO late entries. If the playday is cancelled due to weather, we

will NOT be rescheduling. If the temperature is 45 degrees or less or if wind is 25 MPH
or above, we will automatically cancel that event. We will let everyone know the morning
of by 8:00am. Cancellations will be posted on Facebook. If you do not have Facebook,
you may then contact one of the officers to find out, but please give us until 8:00am the
morning of to announce.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events throughout the year
to be considered a member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access
to the club house and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note
that clean-up days and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not
attend the playdays.
 As a friendly reminder, when you use the arena, please make sure you remove any
equipment used (barrels, poles ect.) out of the arena when you are finished. Please
make sure to shut all gates to the arena as well. They have been left open. This can
damage the gates.
 If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Director: Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Nikki Hsu, Brent Daniels
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes, Michael Hsu

We want to say Welcome to our new members, Alyssa Black and family and Miranda Taylor
and family.
Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer. As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!


November 2023
 November 6th- Monthly meeting
 November 11th- Veteran’s Day Parade
 December 4 th -Monthly meeting at 7:30pm
 December 16 th – Christmas party and awards- doors open at 5:30pm, Start at 6pm
 Our annual Christmas/Awards party is December 16 th . Michael R. and Donny R. will be
providing the meat. Everyone else will bring a side and dessert. Sign up for what you will
bring on the RHRC “members only” FB group. If you would like to participate in the white
elephant gift exchange, bring a gift, maximum spend of $25.
 We need to start collecting donations for the youth buckets. There are 14 youth
members that have participated in playdays. We do have the buckets donated already.
 We will have our silent auction at the party. If you have something you would like to
donate, be sure and bring it. This money goes to help improve our facilities.
 It is time for nominations for 2024 officers and board. Position open are Vice President,
Secretary, Concessions Director, Facilities Director, Events Coordinator, and Parade
Director. If you have anyone you want to nominate for any of these positions, get that to
 Playdays- For next years playday season, we will allow non-members to be eligible for
awards. Awards fee will remain $25. The fee is due at the first playday participated in
and if not paid at that time, points will not start accumulating until fee is paid.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events throughout the year
to be considered a member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access
to the club house and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note
that clean-up days and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not
attend the playdays.
 As a friendly reminder, when you use the arena, please make sure you remove any
equipment used (barrels, poles ect.) out of the arena when you are finished. Please
make sure to shut all gates to the arena as well. They have been left open. This can
damage the gates.

 The annual Make a Wish Chili Cookoff is in January. If anyone would like to represent
RHRC in this event, contact Paul Lundegreen.
 If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Director: Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Nikki Hsu, Brent Daniels
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes, Michael Hsu

Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer. As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!


December 2023
 December 4 th -Monthly meeting at 7:30pm
 December 16 th – Christmas party and awards- doors open at 5:30pm, Start at 6pm
 Our annual Christmas/Awards party is December 16 th . Michael R. and Donny R. will be
providing the meat. Everyone else will bring a side and dessert. Sign up for what you will
bring on the RHRC “members only” FB group. If you would like to participate in the white
elephant gift exchange, bring a gift, maximum spend of $25.
 We need to start collecting donations for the youth buckets. There are 14 youth
members that have participated in playdays. We do have the buckets donated already.
 We will have our silent auction at the party. If you have something you would like to
donate, be sure and bring it. This money goes to help improve our facilities.
 It is time for nominations for 2024 officers and board. Position open are Vice President,
Secretary, Concessions Director, Facilities Director, Events Coordinator, and Parade
Director. If you have anyone you want to nominate for any of these positions, get that to
 Playdays- For next years playday season, we will allow non-members to be eligible for
awards. Awards fee will remain $25. The fee is due at the first playday participated in
and if not paid at that time, points will not start accumulating until fee is paid.
 Please make sure that you attend three meetings and three events throughout the year
to be considered a member in good standing. A member in good standings will have access
to the club house and voting rights at the end of the year Christmas party. Please note
that clean-up days and repair days are counted as events for those of you who do not
attend the playdays.
 As a friendly reminder, when you use the arena, please make sure you remove any
equipment used (barrels, poles ect.) out of the arena when you are finished. Please
make sure to shut all gates to the arena as well. They have been left open. This can
damage the gates.

 The annual Make a Wish Chili Cookoff is in January. If anyone would like to represent
RHRC in this event, contact Paul Lundegreen.

 If you would like to volunteer for our “Special Event” (extreme horse event, or barrel
race ect) this will be whatever event is selected. We are needing two volunteers to help
plan these events. Please let Micheal Rolen know if you are interested in helping to plan
and set up. This will be also added to the Facebook page.
 Panhandle Allstars Play-day will be in Strafford at the silver spurs riding club this 2024
 We would like to welcome our newest members Juan Cabrose and family to the club.

 If you have any questions or comments the following is a list of our officers

– President: Michael Rolen 806-231-0102
– Vice President: Donny Raney-806-584-5845
– Secretary: Angela Raney 806-584-5762
– Treasurer: Beth White 806-789-9318
– Parade Director: Paul Lundegreen
– Concession Stand Director: Brent Daniels
– Facilities Director: Matt Marti
– Events Director: Brandi Carver
– Extreme Horse Committee: Nikki Hsu, Brent Daniels
-Executive officer—Robbie Hayes, Michael Hsu

Membership: If you know someone who would like to become a member, please have them
contact an officer. As always, we welcome any new members to the club!!!